1. 1997/01/01 The terms in this glossary have been chosen so as to exclude any that are likely to be totally familiar as well as more highly specialized expressions or terms that will be used only rarely in agroforestry research or project work.
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Grevillea robusta was originally introduced as a shade tree in the coffee and tea estates of East Africa. Now small-scale farmers use the tree in many ways as it does not interfere with crop growth. Uses include timber, fuelwood, leaf mulch, shade, and it serves...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) has helped to "regreen" five million hectares of land in Niger after three decades of destruction. It is an effective way of reintroducing parkland agroforestry to help improve management of crops and livestock. ...
  4. The destruction of healthy forest systems causes so many different problems. Trees provide a habitat for animals, purify water sources, control flooding and erosion and help to replenish the soil with nutrients needed for farming. When farmers can’t grow anything their farms fail and they have no...
  5. 2002/01/01 The main purpose of this report is to assess whether environmental renewal and increased food security are achievable goals in condition of accelerating poverty, the breakdown of traditional farming practices and inappropriate governmental policies. We wish to share our findings with a broad...