1. This book is about food security in low-income countries. It evaluates food systems by asking how adequately they are feeding the whole population on a reliable, sustainable and non-dependent basis.
  2. 2011/12/20 Re-peasantisationin Araponga Communities are smart enough Knowledge management within IFAD The silent partners' new voice Land and land rights Land rights in Mongolia- are more or less regulations needed? The contribution of local governments The 2Papproach in Nepal Rio + 20
  3. This booklet surveys some of that collaboration and tell what FAO is doing to embody the WCARRD principles in its own work. It discusses tools for guilding and measuring progress in agrarian reform and rural developmently, collaboration among agencies and countries; and most importantly,...
  4. Thie document summarises the discussion, highlights areas of consensus, and identifies the progress made in addressing the very diverse settings within which land resource rights need to be secured. It concludes with a statement of key recommendations to the Commission for Africa on actions that...
  5. The author looks at two different areas of concern - the fundamental need for and effectiveness of titling, and the uneven impacts of formalisation programmes, especially their potentially negatvie impacts on women. She explores these concerns in this paper and suggests some key steps which cn...
  6. News, Analysis and research on Land Reform and Agrarian Change around the world. The Land Research Action Network (LRAN) is a network of researchers and social movements committed to the promotion and advancement of the fundamental rights of individuals and communities to land, and to equitable...