22 មិថុនា 2020 This booklet shows you how to make doughnuts with cassava flour. They are like cakes and are good for snacks or to put in your lunchbox. This uses material from "Practical Action", used with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by MissionAssist.
01 មករា 2019 Understanding deserts and drylands is essential, as arid landscapes cover >40% of the Earth and are home to two billion people. Today’s problematic environment–human interaction needs contemporary knowledge to address dryland complexity. Physical dimensions in arid zones—land systems, climate...
The Egyptian Journal of Desert Research (EJDR) is an international peer-reviewed journal published annually in one volume of two issues. EJDR deals exclusively with the issues of desert research and development that fall within the scope of environment, natural resources, water, soil, plants,...