19 មករា 2067 Este volumen encuadernado con 126 ilustraciones de lujo a color y mas de cien ilustraciones nitidas en blanco y negro mas indice de los nombres communes y cientificos de las plantas de Puerto Rico e Islas Virgenes es un verdadero tesoro internacional. 1977 731 pp. : illustrated [Common Trees of...
20 មករា 2006 Arboles frutales exóticos y poco conocidos en Puerto Rico, de Juan A. Rivero y Bryan R. Brunner, provee informacion sobre arboles frutales exoticos que crecen en Puerto Rico pero son poco conocidos. De cada arbol se suministra su nombre comun y el cientifico, la familia a la que pertenece y su...
01 មករា 1976 El proposito de esta publicacion es hacer llegar a los agricultores de mayor preparaciony a los agronomos de Puerto Rico, muy especialmente a los del Servicio de ExtensionAgricola y otras agencias que bregan directamente con el agricultor y sus problemas de produccion para que lo usen y lo...
01 មករា 1974 This book includes 460 species of trees- includes each plant family begins with a family description and a key to all of its species. Also included are briefdescribtions of 40 minor species.
An inspiring work of oral history, Earth and Spirit explores and celebrates Puerto Rico's tradition of botanical medicine as it was practiced up to the 1980s. This lively and deeply personal glimpse of Caribbean healing presents the voices of dozens of people who knew, loved and worked with...
01 មករា 1950 This circular has been prepared partly to meet the need for information on culture and partly to answer inquires from institutions and individuals in the tropics. The information and recommendtions are based on more than 45 years' experience with vegetables at this station, as well as on the...
01 មករា 1979 The objective of this paper is to describe some of the soil-water-crop problems that were encountered by researchers in Puerto Rico on Oxisols and Ultisols and in Brazil on Oxisols and to suggest some important1/1/1979 management practices and consequences for highly weathered soils in other...