To secure the future of forestry, human resources as well as forest resources must be used in a sustainable manner. The applicaiton of ergonomics in forestry is an important tool in creating such conditions. This is the message which this training manual wants to convey. It appeals to managers...
01 មករា 1994 This book describes the United Mission to Nepal's Animal Health Improvement Project - a village animal healthcare project that has been running in Nepal since the early 1980s. It is based on teh results of an evaluation undertaken in teh late 1991 and updated since then. The successes, problems...
01 មករា 2007 Lo que se pretendia analizar en particular, era el impacto de programas formatives sobre el comportaiento de los productores. Se presentaron cuatro estro estudios de caso en lols que se comprobo que, gracias a la capacitacion, un numero de de agricultuores ha conseguido: ampliar su vision de la...
Included in this publication are illustrations and discriptions of gardening in Africa. Also included is a third world irrigation update. Sponsored by Double Harvest Inc. [et al] No page numbers, illustrated
01 មករា 1984 The FNGLA Certified Horticulture Professional program is a voluntary program for the certification of employees in the horticulture industry in Florida. The program, designed for the professional improvement of individuals in the industry, is one of the activies of the Florida Nursery, Growers...
01 មករា 1994 In The Human Farm: A Tale of Changing Lives and Changing Lands, Katie Smith presents an unforgettable combination of human drama, spiritual principes, and pragmatic accomplishment. In learning how to renew their fields to provide themselves with yearly harvest, Honduran peasants also learn...