자원 태그: Alleviating Poverty
9 items found (Showing 1 - 9)
- Practical Answers aims to enable access for all to the wealth of technical knowledge produced within Practical Action, and from our partners. Accessible to all freely, including last-mile development practitioners, so that the hardest-to-reach communities can change their world. We believe that...
- ECHO East AfricaPastoralist Symposium connects individuals and organizations who seek to share their knowledge and best practices. This event will provide a network and training opportunity for those involved in alleviating hunger and poverty in East Africa. Three-hour sessions on the two...
- icipe'smission is to help alleviate poverty, ensure food security and improve the overall health status of peoples of the tropics, by developing and extending management tools and strategies for harmful and useful arthropods, while preserving the natural resource base through research and...