1. 2014/01/01 This profound little book encourages us to set aside our limited expectations, and to fall in line with God's. Human beings like organization, structures, plans; God grows people. We ask for a budget; God offers us love. If you are aiming at relationship rather than performance, how do you...
  2. 2012/01/01 As standards of conduct continue to erode in our shock-proof world, we must fight the soul pollution threatening our health, our faith, and our witness to others. Without even knowing it, people willingly inhale second-hand toxins poisoning their relationship with God and stunting their spiritual...
  3. 2001/01/01 Throughout Scripture, we see evidence that God's people faced the same challenges we do today. From rejection to depression, facing overwhelming responsibilities to wrestling with doubts, these heroes of the faith shared the pain, frustration, and hopes that are common to modern day believers. By...