2000/01/01 Rural people in developing countries usually produce their own food. In addition to food, households also need money, to pay for clothes or school fees for the children, for example. Many households have set up other activities on the side, in addition to basic food production, to earn money....
2012/01/01 The objective of this book is to stimulate co-creation of sciences through an inter-cultural and inter-scientific dialogue – a dialogue in which each way of knowing expresses itself, where differences are positively and respectfully considered, and where options for complementarity (and aspects...
1986/01/01 Ests manual esta dirugido a los trabjadores destinados a trabajos de campo o para los promotores del desarrollo en todas partes del mundo, como usted! El manual es el resultado de un proyecto de entrnamieto para promotores de desarrollo, llevado a cabo en Sri Lanka. Estos promotores de desarrollo...
The mission of IDE,is to create income opportunities for poor rural households. Downloads related to various technologies being promoted by IDE (treadle pumps, rope pumps, water storage systems) include a very informative drip irrigation manual that can be accessed IDE views productive water as...
2015/11/18 Vegetable growing can provide nutrition and livelihood for those isolated by poverty, recovering from crisis, and/or diversifying their food and income options -- but gains are not automatic. What should be considered in designing and deploying vegetable gardening programs? What seed...
Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Vegetable growing can provide nutrition and livelihood for those isolated by poverty, recovering from crisis, and/or diversifying their food and income options -- but gains are not automatic. What should be considered in designing...
Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Sambah Naturals has developed a co-operative of nearly 1,200 farmers in the Northwestern Province of Zambia. This network of missional businesses seeks to create profits to fund Zambian missionary efforts. Their organic and fair...