자원 태그: Mushroom
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- Mushroom cultivation can help reduce vulnerability to poverty and strengthens livelihoods through the generation of a fast yielding and nutritious source of food and a reliable source of income. Since it does not require access to land, mushroom cultivation is a viable and attractive activity for...
- Abstract, 2017,International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Mushroom cultivation is a remunerative agribusiness in India and other parts of the world. Being an emerging commercial activity, many startup entrepreneurs are venturing into mushroom cultivation in India. Consumer...
- 2015/01/20 Mushroom cultivation activities can play an important role in supporting the local economy by contributing to subsistence food security, nutrition, and medicine; generating additional employment and income through local, regional and national trade; and offering opportunities for processing...
- Abstract, 2008,Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems Mushroom is an important vegetable usually grows in the forest with its nutritive and medicinal value. It can also be cultivated domestically in a small scale by landless people. The climate of Bangladesh is highly favourable for high volume...
- Abstract, Wheat straw has generally been used as the main substrate for cultivating oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus); however, in South Africa it is becoming expensive for small-scale farmers to utilise. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to investigate the use of alternative,...
- Abstract, 2016,Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences An edible mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom) has a worldwide cultivation and is popular in Thailand where rubber sawdust is traditionally used in its cultivation. However, rubber sawdust is a relatively expensive substrate that...