1. 2008-01-01 Mission Wild One Man's Adventures in Saving the Planet by Don Richards God is the Creator of this world and has given mankind the authority to look after it. Don, through his autobiography and adventures as a game ranger and later as a missionary in Africa and the Amazon, encourages Christians...
  2. Why is it that many Christians find a theological-scientific debate about creation's ancient origins far more engaging than a speech about how to live responsibly in the creation today? Are we more fascinated by academic debates that focus our gaze on what happened long ago than by the hands-on...
  3. 2012-01-01 God is reconciling all things in heaven and on earth. We are alienated not only from one another, but also from the land that sustains us. Our ecosystems are increasingly damaged, and human bodies are likewise degraded. Most of us have little understanding of how our energy is derived or our food...
  4. 2010-01-01 Caring for the environment is a growing interest among evangelicals. This award-winning book provides the most thorough evangelical treatment available on a theology of creation care. "Authentic Christian faith requires ecological obedience," writes Steven Bouma-Prediger. He urges Christians to...
  5. 2018-02-27 From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals a God whose creative power and loving care embrace all that exists. Yet the significance of the Bible's extensive teaching about the natural world is easily overlooked by Christians accustomed to focusing only on what the Bible says about God's...
  6. 2016-05-01 What does the Gospel have to do with Creation Care? From Augustine to Martin Luther, theologians and preachers recognized that God speaks to his people through "two books," namely the Bible and his created world, In this volume an international group of theologians, scientist and creation care...
  7. 2000-01-01 A Project of the North American Coalition on Religion and Ecology presents a resource packet intendeed to facilitate an understanding of resources contained within. As you open this resource packet, you will find materials to help you understand this new ministry.
  8. 2019-01-01 Pandan yon moun sou late ap soufri grangou, lemonn jounen jodi a gen devwa pou li reflechi yan lot fwa anko sou kijan li konprann travay te epi kijan li konprann anviwonman an, Nou menm ki Kretyen, nou ta sipoze devan tout moun nan jan nou okipe yon kreyasyon ki ap plenn. Pou n' onore Senye nou...
  9. 2007-01-01 Los objectives de esta obra son: Clarificar, simplificar y poner en contexto los de la conservacion ecologica; Proveer un recurso interactivo y divertido que despierte el interes y creatividad de los alumnos y maetros; Hacerque los alumnos mejoren en sus estudios, especialmente con respecto al...
  10. 1994-01-01 Una de las preocupaciones en el Cenro InterEclesial de Estudios Teologicos y Sociales (CIEETS) ha estado enmarcada en el problema del deterioro y destruccion que vive nuestro pais y en la busqueda de soluciones practicas entre las iglesias, cooperatives y movitmientos juveniles y de mujeres. La...