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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video To achieve the best density of soya bean plants in our field, we must take four precautions: 1. Use seeds that grow well; 2. Narrow the space between seedling rows and between holes; 3. Do not step on the planting holes of the field; and 4. Control the rodents...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers in Guatemala explain how to grow beans in hot, lowland areas by first selecting a bean variety that is adapted to the heat. They plant the beans in the winter, and sometimes have to provide irrigation. The beans can be planted alone or between the rows of...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Lupin can be grown in high or cold areas. Lupin is healthy food, rich in proteins, and good for the soil. In this video, farmers in Bolivia show how to keep your field free from anthracnose disease. Available languages Arabic Aymara English French Quechua...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video Cashew trees are mainly grown for their nuts and apples. In a well maintained cashew orchards and associated with annual crops, the trees produce more and yield nuts of good quality. Available languages Bambara Bariba English Ewe French Kabyé Kannada Portuguese...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Women in Benin show us that there are three important things: select good groundnut varieties, follow good harvest and postharvest practices, and use good processing methods. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bemba Burmese Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Crop rotation, and the use of gypsum, herbal mixtures or beneficial fungi like Trichoderma can control root and stem rot diseases. Available languages Arabic Bambara Bangla Burmese English Ewe French Kabyé Kiswahili Moba Mooré Spanish Tamil Telugu
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Birds learn quickly and will come back, so regularly change the way you scare birds. All farmers in your community should plant their bean crop within a period of two weeks so that the beans are all growing at the same time, so most of the crop survives. By...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Coating seed with good microbes and organic fertilizer protects crops from diseases and gives them a healthy start. You can also prepare your own organic solution with cow dung, cow urine, lime, cow milk or yoghurt and water. Available languages Arabic Ateso...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Green gram or mung bean seed and grains need special care during harvesting and storage. Coat the seed with vegetable oil and store them in an earthen pot. Add neem leaves and dry red chillies. Cover the pot with a cotton cloth and a wire mesh to keep out...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmer groups and individuals in Burkina Faso explain the benefits and challenges of a low-cost drip irrigation system, and show how such a system is set up. A social innovation is included that relates to organic matter management. Available languages Adja...