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  1. 2023-07-13 This article summarizes ECHO research published in Experimental Agriculture by Trail et al. (2022).Many smallholder farmers in the tropics do not have electricity or access to equipment for climate-controlled seed storage. There are, however, low-cost technologies that can be used instead. The...
  2. 2023-01-06 Spoilage of stored grain is a major obstacle for smallholder farmers around the world. This article leans on the expertise of Dr. Floyd Dowell (an Agricultural Engineer retired from USDA Center for Grain and Animal Health Research) and highlights some of the options covered in previous ECHO...
  3. 1995-01-01 This booklet discusses how agricultural products are harvested and stored by farmers. In most cases, the products are stored without further handling for a shorter or longer period. Unfortunately losses of 25 percent for stored grain crops and 40-50 percent for vegetables are not unusual in the...
  4. 2005-06-20 Transforming the land More than profit: Horta e Arte Organic coffee Holding on to the family farm An alternative to slash-and-burn Supporting the local economy Microcredit, poverty and the environment Organizing access to local seeds in a context of crisis Community seed banks Recovering...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video This Access Agriculture Training Video provides information regarding how to mangage seed potatoes in an efficient and sustainable way. Remember: healthy soil and healthy plants make healthy seed. Available Languages: English,French,Kichwa,Spanish
  6. Experimental Agriculture (2022), 1–14doi:10.1017/S0014479722000023 Patrick Trail, Timothy Motis, Stacy Swartz, and Abram Bicksler Keywords: Seed Saving; Seed Banking; Vacuum Sealing; Desiccants; Zeolite Drying Beads; Community Seed Banks; Calcium Oxide Seeds maintained by local, community seed...
  7. 2008-07-20 Topics briefy addressed: Nematode management. Seed inoculants to maximize the ability ofleguminous plants to fix nitrogen. Bean weevils controlled by tumbling the beans. Controlling seed storage conditions. Saving your own vegetable seeds. Neem leaf tea or neem seed oil to discourageinsect...
  8. 1978-01-01 To help you derive the greatest measure of success, here is a concise but encyclopedic volume of all the things you need to know about the seeds you grow--their geographicial origin, relationship with other plants, germination requirements such as light, moisture and temperature, together with...
  9. 1978-01-01 Each vegetable is discussed in detail. You'll know the problems and their solution, understand how to raise, harvest, and store the seeds.