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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video These insects that help us need pollen and nectar to survive, and a place where they can find shelter. Grow different kinds of flowering trees, shrubs and herbs around your field, so insects find different sources of food throughout the year. Available Languages:...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video This Access Agriculture Training Video provides information regarding how to mangage seed potatoes in an efficient and sustainable way. Remember: healthy soil and healthy plants make healthy seed. Available Languages: English,French,Kichwa,Spanish
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video You can add good micro-organisms to your pond water to ensure good water quality. You can also treat the fry before stocking the pond. By adding good micro-organisms to your feed, it will be safer and better for the fish. At the time of harvesting your fish,...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video To reduce the foul odour in your shed, place dry husks, sawdust, coconut dust or straw on the floor and regularly spray it with good micro-organisms. By adding micro-organisms to concentrate feed, silage or green fodder, this improves the nutrition and digestion....
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video You can prepare a basic natural growth promotor with locally available ingredients, such as cow dung, ghee, milk, urine, sugar and ripe bananas. To further strengthen the growth promotor you can also add an extract made from urine and aromatic leaves so that it...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Via social media farmers market their organic produce and customers place orders from to 5 kg of organic produce. Customers receive guaranteed healthy, fresh farm produce delivered to their door. By having a fixed client base, farmers have a regular income and...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video Fanya juu means "throw the soil up" in Kiswahili. The terraces formed are ideal for fodder grasses and help prevent soil erosion. Cultivation becomes easier as the terraces spread out to make the land more level and when combined with manure/fertilizer yields...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Zaï as they are known in Burkina Faso, or tassa in Niger, are wide deep planting pits. They act as a microcatchment and can be used to rehabilitate soils when used with manure. They have been very successful in West Africa during the last 25 years. Available...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) has helped to "regreen" five million hectares of land in Niger after three decades of destruction. It is an effective way of reintroducing parkland agroforestry to help improve management of crops and livestock....
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Integrated soil fertility management is based on maximising the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the loss of nutrients. Available Languages: Bemba,Chichewa / Nyanja,Chitonga / Tonga,English,French,Hausa,Hindi,Kinyarwanda / Kirundi,Kiswahili,Ngakarimojong...