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  1. Access Agriculture Training Video Fanya juu means "throw the soil up" in Kiswahili. The terraces formed are ideal for fodder grasses and help prevent soil erosion. Cultivation becomes easier as the terraces spread out to make the land more level and when combined with manure/fertilizer yields...
  2. Cross-slope barriers are measures on sloping lands in the form of earth or soil bunds, stone lines, and / or vegetative strips for reducing runoff velocity and soil loss, thereby contributing to soil, water and nutrient conservation. This is achieved by reducing steepness and / or length of...
  3. Abstract,International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 2016 Soil and Water conservation (SWC) measures play significant role in improving land productivity. The study assessed contribution of soil and water conservation measures/techniques in land productivity in dry-land areas...
  4. Land degradation has spread to two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa due, in part to the increased pressure ofagriculture to meet the food needs of a growing population and variabilities caused by climate change. But smallholder farmers are fighting to reclaim and revitalize the land, and their...