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  1. 2023-03-28 Guazuma ulmifolia, also known as West Indian elm or “guacimo,” sustains the livestock of many small farmers at the end of the dry season when grasses are scarce. It is one of the first perennial plants to establish in degraded or disturbed areas.
  2. 1994-01-01 This book covers historical perspective agrosilviculture, plantation crops under shade of trees, agricultural crops with commercial trees, shifting cultivation and other forest-based silvoagriculture practices, pastoralsilviculture, silvopastoral, and agrosilvopastoral practices.
  3. Based on the career of Roger Leakey, the former Director of Research at the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, this book presents the experiences of real life situations in rural villages of remote and distant places. Living with the Trees of Lifedemonstrates how the...
  4. 1996-01-01 The first part of the book covers 9 wood species, 4 fruit species and 4 recent exotics, giving information for each species on importance, taxonomy and botanical features, distribution and ecology, tree characteristics, utilization, propagation, biomass studies, growth performance and tree...
  5. Buffalo thorn is a thorny, bushy shrub or small tree of semi-arid climates, growing to 12 m in height. It is used for its edible fruit and livestock browsing. The tree is good bee forage, and makes good firewood, charcoal, fence posts and furniture. Because of its thorns and tangled branches, the...
  6. Tamarind is an attractive, evergreen, nitrogen fixing tree, growing to 30 m in height, and best adapted to semi-arid conditions. The sweet-tart pulp from the pod is eaten fresh, used as an ingredient in cooking, or made into a refreshing drink. Tamarind wood is used for lumber, firewood, and high...
  7. Silver terminalia is a small tree or shrub, valued for its strong wood, and growing to 23 m in height. This tree provides good fuelwood and is valuable for land reclamation and erosion control.
  8. Sesbania is a fast-growing, nitrogen-fixing perennial, growing to 7 m in height. It is typically found in wet locations and can withstand water logging and flooded conditions. Sesbania is used as a cover crop or green manure, coppices readily, provides light fuelwood, and good forage for...
  9. Sesbania rostrata is an annual—or short-lived perennial—legume used as a green manure cover crop and fodder species for livestock. Growing to heights of 3 m, S. rostrata is one of the few legumes that produces nodulated stem tissues for further colonization by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Leaves of...
  10. Cassia is a fast-growing, deciduous, nitrogen-fixing tree, growing to 10 m in height that has showy yellow flowers. It is useful for shade, as a landscape plant, for fuelwood, green manure, bee forage and light construction.