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  1. Meribah Ram Pump, based in Thailand, offers appropriate technology products (ram pumps and bio sand water filters) and related expertise. A downloads page,on Meribah’s website offers plans and other information related to building and installing ram pumps and bio sand water filters.
  2. 2015-12-02 Taylor presents findings from ECHO, Ntuk Nti, & ICC's recent research project about local seed systems. In this presentation he gives an overview of current seed storage methods being used in Mondulkiri and Ratanakiri, Cambodia.
  3. 2015-05-12 The use of effective microorganisms at the Aloha House Farm, why they are important, and how you can use them, too.
  4. 2015-05-12 About the Aloha House Farm, and how it uses natural farming techniques.
  5. 2015-05-12 An overview of the aquaponics system at Aloha House, how it is run and managed Part I.
  6. 2015-05-12 Keith shares about cheese-making methods used at the Aloha House.
  7. 2015-05-12 An overview of natural resource management and why it is important to both agriculture and community development, as well as methods for incorporating natural resource management in your project or on your farm.
  8. 2015-03-03
  9. 2015-10-06
  10. 2015-10-06