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  1. 2016-11-29 ECHO Asia, in collaboration with Silaa Farm, is hostinga 3-day coffee processing workshop. This event will take place fromNovember 30 - December 1, 2016atSilaa Coffee Farm, Omkoi district 3 hours south of Chiang Mai province, Thailand. Registration is closing soon due to lots of interest in this...
  2. 2015-03-03 An introduction to Small Farm Resources Centers as an agriculture extension method, what they are, and indicators that help them succeed. In this presentation, Abram discusses findings from research project that ECHO Asia conducted about SFRCs in Southeast Asia, with the support of MEAS.
  3. 2015-03-03 Professor Yusuf presents on his research, which investigates the use of medicinal plants in chicken feed.
  4. Explore alternative ways of resource efficient System of Rice Intensification (SRI)/ System of Finger Millet Intensification (SFMI) for paddy/finger millet cultivation in comparison to existing resource intensive conventional method.
  5. 2016-06-08 Dr. Suphathida Aumtong from Mae Jo University shared her study on “Reduced Water Rice Cultivation”. Her research has been done to correspond with the expected changes in rice demand, environment, and socioeconomic conditions that affect the productivity and management of paddy soils in intensive...
  6. 2015-01-28 An overview of various microbial pesticide options and how they are used.
  7. 2016-06-08 Dr. Monamorn is a university lecturer during the week and farmer on the weekend, which has led her to open a social media page: “A Farmer Trainee”. In spite of her daytime profession as a physics lecturer at Mahidol University, she practices SRI on Saturdays and Sundays on her rice paddies in...
  8. 2015-05-12 How the Aloha House manages its livestock using Natural Farming techniques and effective microorganisms, Part II.
  9. 2015-01-28 An overview of the workshop topics including integrated pest management, natural herbicides, Beuveria, Trichoderma, etc. Translated from Thai to English.
  10. 2015-03-03 Professor Yusuf presents on his ongoing research about native chickens and their nutritional needs.