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  1. 1993-07-19 Campaign for pesticide free rice Rapid composting saves labour How fertile is fertilizer aid Fish reduce pesticide use Growing maize in Tanzania Integrated nutrient management Indigenous vegetables from Nepal
  2. 1988-01-09 This folder is a collection of methods used by villages in Thailand to control pests without the use of pesticides.
  3. 1983-01-01 This book is a well-written synthesis of current knowledge about pests, pesticides, application, and environmental concerns. It covers a complex topic in language that is practical and not excessively technical. This outstanding guide will give the reader a thorough understanding of pesticides...
  4. This publication includes information about insecticides and fungicides and their use and a listing of insects and diseases.
  5. 1988-01-01 This book is intended to present a comprhensive picture of major pests and their managements, and is not intended as an exhaustive study of every possible pests found in many regions of this country.
  6. Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Control Operations provides comprehensive information on the business of controlling insects, other arthropods and vertebrate pests in homes, business establishments, industrial plants and municipal buildings, as well as in outdoor areas frequented by man. It...
  7. 1994-01-01 This manual contains information that will allow you, the applicator, to satisfy the general requirements in all states.
  8. This step by step guide has been developed to assist in nutrient and pesticide management to reduce the potential for leaching into groundwater. Cooperation effort between the Illinois Department of Agriculture and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 17 pages, tables
  9. The symposium summarizes the presnet state of knowledge in the area, analyzes avilable information in the light of public concern, examines changes in or alternatives to the use of pesticides, and discusses the use of pesticides in conjunction with other pest control methods.
  10. A training program for the certification of commercial pesticide applicators. 85 pages, illustrated.