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  1. The best introductory book on the subject examines plant structures and the problems they present to illustrators, then discusses the artist's tools and how to use them: pencils, erasers, papers, brushes, watercolors, gouache, and acrylics.
  2. 1968-01-01 This compendium by Bayer contains detailed colour plates and extensive biological data Notebook, with various page numbers, illustrated
  3. Common Florida Angiosperm Families, Part 1 includes botanical illustrations with general summaries of family characteristics. Thrity-four families are presented for botanists, studnets, and other plant enthusiasts. Included also are a glossary and brief discussion on botanical illustration and...
  4. When Bill and his wife Wendy set up home six years ago in the middle of Queensland's tropical jungle, the majical colours, shapes and textures of the truits that surrounded them prompted the Coopers into action. Together, they have colleted and recorded--and Bill has illustrated with remarkable...