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  1. 2023-09-03 This book examines the dangers of cooking over an open fire and suggests an alternative — the Changu Changu Moto (Fast Fast Fire), a fuel-efficient cookstove developed by Ripple Africa in Malawi. Adapted with kind permission from a project by Ripple Africa in Malawi Additional text and...
  2. 2005-03-20 Energy use in agriculture Planting to catch more sunlight Biodigesters in ecological farming systems Biogas in Uganda Improving organic fertilizers Saving energy with better tools Biogas production with guinea pig manure Improving traditional water mills Clean energy for chilling milk Passive...
  3. 2001-01-01 There are many variations of sawdust cookstoves that have been used for many years both in North America and around the world. This sawdust cookstove model provides a low-cost, low-input method for producing a high intensity flame that will burn for up to five hours. The flame burns fairly clean...
  4. 2019-11-21 Emily Kinzer Covenant College, Care of Creation Kenya Research conducted by Care of Creation Kenya (CCK) among women in Kijabe, Kenya concluded that using inefficient and open cookstoves resulted in adverse health effects for the entire family, safety hazards while cooking in the kitchen and...
  5. 1996-04-01 38 pages, illustrated, photos
  6. 1995-06-19 Sawdust cookers (or cookstoves) burn sawdust, wood shavings, rice hulls, or similar materials, producing a moderate heat for an extended time.
  7. 2004-10-20 Smoke from open fires can be a nuisance, and it can also lead to severe health problems. The Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG) has issued a document called “Smoke—the Killer in the Kitchen” that shares statistics on indoor air pollution caused by burning solid fuels like wood,...
  8. 2005-07-20 Feedback from the ECHO networking with information on cookstoves and indoor pollution.
  9. 2004-10-20 Results of a Moringa Taste Test Carambola—A Five Star Fruit Indoor Air Pollution from Cooking Fire Smoke Black Sigatoka, Water Purification
  10. 2008-07-20 Briefly addressed are the following: Artemisia for malaria treatment. Aflatoxin. Leaf Protein Concentrate (LPC) for treatment ofsevere malnutrition. Moringa high density planting for leaf powder. Indoor air pollution.