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  1. 2005-01-01 Leading Coherentlydraws insight from 36 exemplary leaders to describe a natural and potent relationship between leadership formation, performance, and sustainability. Through sharing their leadership stories, leaders from across the globe reveal prominent themes about how leaders are formed to...
  2. 2003-01-01 Going on a short-term missions trip can be a life- and faith-transforming experience. It can enrich the way you view the world. It will cause you to rely on God more fully. It is an opportunity to develop deep relationships with your team and the people you serve. A short-term missions experience...
  3. 2001-10-20 Cranberry hibiscusisone of the most striking and colorful plants in the “edible landscape” section at ECHO.
  4. Excellent resource for cross-cultural and intercultural trainers. The examples and stories are insightful and useful for participants.
  5. This is a good book for students studying psychology, counseling, human and mental health. The book provided much needed information and skills for these fields.