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  1. Available on iOS and Android Rapidly share files using the best file sharing application that is easy to use and supports transfer across iOS, Android, and other platforms! Need to share files but have no Internet connection? No problem!Zapyaallows you to transfer files from Android phones,...
  2. Available on iOS and Android SHAREit, excellent sharing app with fast cross-platform transfer speed & free online feeds including movies, videos, music, wallpapers, GIFs. SHAREit also added powerful media player, which helps you manage & enjoy your own videos and music. Fastest in the...
  3. Available on iOS and Android Xender - best sharing app fulfilling all your transfer needs Share Music, Share Video &Share Photo, Share MV, Share It, Share Me, Share File Transfer All type of files (App, music, pdf, word, excel, zip, Folder..)in any places at any time Absolutely without...