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  1. 2011-09-20 San Isidro's "Food Circle" Let's go local No longer neglected Incredible Edible Todmorden: Eating the street Regional food systems Promotion more sustainable diets Breaking down barriers to intra-regional trade Brazil's Food Acquisition Programme Food Reserves
  2. 1993-01-01 This book is a collection of the properties of basic foods materials and the processes by which these materials are prepared for consumption.
  3. 1998-01-01 Training in food processing can open up opportunities for individuals who lack business experience, by providing training in costing and marketing a new product. This book offers a blueprint for such comprehensive training. It first explains the importance of needs assessment, course preparation,...
  4. 1980-01-01 The purpose of the present study is to enhance public understanding of the role of chemistry in the food system, a role that reaches from field and farm to table. Such understanding should include a general knowledge of how and why chemical sustances are used, as well as what the attendant...