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  1. Abstract, Researchgate, 2019 Biodiversity and agriculture are strongly interrelated to each other, the conservation of plant and animal genetic resources plays a crucial role in India’s food, nutritional and livelihood security. India is considered to be a centre of origin of rice, brinjal,...
  2. The entire range of seed marketing activities is addressed in this book. Methodologies for researching the market are reviewed and approaches to forecasting demand, both commercial demand at the level of the indidiual company and total national demand, are considered. Ways of best organizing a...
  3. This volume contains authentic information on all aspects of keepeeping in a consise and popular style. It is intended to serve as a handy reference and guide-book for students of agriculture, extension workers and all those who are interested in beekeeping either as a hobby or as a profession.
  4. Married as a child bride to a tenant farmer she had never met, Rukmani works side by side in the field with her husband to wrest a living from a land ravaged by droughts, monsoons, and insects. With remarkable fortitude and courage, she meets changing times and fights poverty and disaster.
  5. 1998-09-01 Seeds of Choiceprovides an in-depth analysis of the regulatory frameworks that cover varietal testing, release and dissemination. The book analyses the varietal testing system used by the All India Co-ordinated Crop Improvement Projects. The study reveals that reforms are needed, if a greater...
  6. 1986-01-01 This book provides a neo-symbiotic integrated approach between agriculture, horticulture, forestry and biology, optimising the biomass production on one hand and conservation of ecosystem on the other. The manuscript is the first of its type for popularising agroforestry among students, teachers...
  7. 1993-01-01 This booklet will trace the development of tropical forest management in Western Ghats, to illustrate the range of experience and knowledge that has been gathered during the past century and more of commonwealth forestry. Forest management is no longer the concern of foresters alone, and the fate...
  8. With its many illustrations and the comprehensive treatment of the subject, it would be an excellent source-book for the students at the graduate and postgraduate levels, and an invaluable reference book for those attempting to recognize and control the diseases to which millets are susceptible....
  9. 1994-01-01 This book covers historical perspective agrosilviculture, plantation crops under shade of trees, agricultural crops with commercial trees, shifting cultivation and other forest-based silvoagriculture practices, pastoralsilviculture, silvopastoral, and agrosilvopastoral practices.
  10. 2001-01-01 This study, based on field work in India, brings out the multiplicity of debates, policies and practices that Joint Forest Management embodies.