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  1. From problem to productive free resource: this book explains that, although the water hyacinth has become a problem, it can be very useful. It uses material from thePractical Action's "Technical Brief - Water Hyacinth", with kind permission. This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2020 by...
  2. Many species introduced into new environments are unable to survive in their new surroundings. However, a percentage of these species are able to expand the area they infest and negatively impact the economy, human health or ecology of a region and are termed invasive. Habitat alteration and...
  3. Of all the ways that have been tried to control malaria, one of the easiest could also be among the most effective, a new study suggests. Yet the idea of cutting back on the regular food supply of mosquitoes has been neglected, possibly because it just seemed too simple to work. Malaria is...
  4. Malaria Journal 2017 Abstract Background A neglected aspect of alien invasive plant species is their influence on mosquito vector ecology and malaria transmission. Invasive plants that are highly attractive toAnophelesmosquitoes provide them with sugar that is critical to their survival. The...
  5. 2017-01-20 Despite the significant impacts of alien plant species (IAS), there has not been a concerted effort to tackle the problem across the region. This can mainly be ascribed to a lack of policy, little awareness and limited capacity at a national and regional level. The UN Environment-Global...
  6. 2017-01-20 Both in Ethiopia and in the countries of East Africa, the continuing proliferation and spread of invasive alien species (IAS) is now recognized as a serious problem, which needs to be addressed. While this situation has improved dramatically over the past 10 years, further progress has been...
  7. 2017-01-20 Cradled between the Aberdare Mountains and Mount Kenya, Laikipia County is a land-use model for arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya. Its unique combination of large-scale ranches and community-owned lands host wildlife populations unrivalled in other parts of Kenya. Laikipia hosts the highest...