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  1. Edible Portion: Fruit, Sap, Latex, Leaves, Gum A medium sized evergreen tree up to 18 m tall. It can grow to 30 m in tropical regions. The leaves are 8-12 cm long by 2-4 cmwide. The leaves are green and shiny. The leaves tend to be clustered in spirals near the ends of twigs. The flowers are...
  2. Growables Origin The sapodilla is believed native to Yucatan and possibly other nearby parts of southern Mexico, as well as northern Belize and Northeastern Guatemala. In this region there were once 100,000,000 trees. The species is found in forests throughout Central America where it has...
  3. Sapodilla is a climacteric fruitand can be picked from the tree both when fully mature and before it is ripe. For many years, the latex from thesapodilla tree called ‘chicle’ was the main ingredient ofchewing gum. It contains 15% rubber and 38% resin and is tasteless. Steps to process the latex...