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  1. Key Resource 2013-01-01 “Zai” is a term that farmers in northern Burkina Faso use to refer to small planting pits that typically measure 20-30 cm in width, are 10-20 cm deep and spaced 60-80 cm apart. In the Tahoua region of Niger, the haussa word “tassa” is used. English terms used to decribe zai pits include “planting...
  2. 2013-01-01 This publicationon “Water Harvesting – Guidelines to Good Practice”was mandated by IFAD, prepared by WOCAT in collaboration with MetaMeta and RAIN and funded by SDC and IFAD. Find out more about theproject "Water Harvesting". Water security is a prerequisite to achieve food security. Water...
  3. 2013-01-01 Ces directives donnent une vue d’ensemble des bonnes pratiques éprouvées de collecte de l’eau dans le monde entier. Celles-ci constituent un guide de référence pratique tout en offrant un support et une expertise technique spécifique pour l’intégration des technologies de collecte de l’eau dans...
  4. 1999-03-19 Three programs in Honduras have been looking for ways that poor hillside farmers can capture rainwater in their own fields and hold it there for two or three months. This water could then be used for supplemental irrigation during droughts or for extending the cropping season into the dry season....