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  1. 2009-04-01 In a recent publication of the Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable Development, researchers (Montes-Molina et al) found that the antibacterial properties of neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf extract significantly lower the soil population of the bacterium Rhizobium spp. in plantings of beans...
  2. 2010-04-01 has considered how our resources can be most helpful in light of the recent devastating earthquake near Port Au Prince, Haiti. Our main strength is in the area of agricultural information relevant to development...
  3. Key Resource 2001-10-01 This booklet assembles under one cover the 97 factsheets and highlights published by the Forest, Farm and Community Tree Network (FACT Net) and its predecessor the Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association (NFTA) between 1985 and 1999. These 2 to 4 page bulletins are concise summaries of important...
  4. 1993-01-01 This manual provides basic structure and guidance for all who instruct farmers and land managers on the use of multipurpose trees in various environments and agricultural settings. This material is written primarily for application in agroforestry systems. The curriculum contained here will serve...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Legumes are important in crop rotations, because they reduce weeds and enrich the soil by partnering with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil. To be sure your soil has the right bacteria, you can buy an inoculant of Rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium bacteria can...
  6. Key Resource 2013-01-20 About 98% of agricultural production in the Sudano Sahelian region of West and Central Africa is based on rainfed crops. With a mean annual rainfall of 300 to 800 mm/year, the number of staple crops is very limited. It includes two grain crops: pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) for sandy soils...
  7. 1998-01-01 Fodder scarcity is a major constraint faced by farming communities throughout the world. This is often the result of the degradation of traditional fodder sources in forest and village common lands. Consequently, to meet their needs, farmers must produce at least some fodder in their agricultural...
  8. The 15th Latin American Symposium ''laS held in Brasilia (FD) on J1UY 18-22, 1977, on a topic of great interest for agriculture, especially in the tropics. Many new developments have taken place in the field of research in N2 fixation during the last few years. They "Tere made possible by the...
  9. 2010-07-20 Tony Rinaudo (working with World Vision Australia) responded to the article aboutFaidherbia albidain EDN 107 with helpful comments. “In West Africa, crops growing under a canopy of the nitrogen fixingF. albidatrees produce an extra 2.5 to 3 tons of stalks per hectare and two and a half times the...
  10. 2008-10-20 When a legume is growing in its native habitat, it is likely that the appropriate bacteria are present in the soil. If nodules are present on the roots, especially along the taproot near the crown, and if the nodules are pink or red inside, then an appropriate bacterial strain is living in the...