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  1. 1991-01-01 Soil fertility is the overriding constraint to food production in the tropics, and yet in many developing countries fertilizers are unavailable or beyond the reach of subsistence farmers. The biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen is the only way that plants can manufacture their own...
  2. 1988-01-01 Includes 130 papers covering all cropping problems from agronomy to storage and utilization of products of cassava, sweet potato, potato, yam, aroids and minor tuberous crops. They will show the increasing importance of these crops for producers and consumers and the move from subsistence to cash...
  3. 1983-01-01 Horticulture is both an art and a science. Horticulture deals with the development, growth, distribution and utilization of fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants and turf. It enriches our lives with nutritious flavor and beauty.
  4. The purpose of this publication is to inform interested persons of recommended procedures used for various tropical crops. Included are information and a comprehensive treatment of basic and applied aspects of plant introduction for each crop, which are not generally found in books or scientific...
  5. This book fully describes small-scale processing and storage methods for root crops, particularly taro, sweet potato, and yams. The authors emphasize methods of handling and preserving the crops that require little in the way of energy or technology, and they discuss traditional methods of...
  6. Key Resource 1996-01-01 This is a book of practical ideas. It is written for people who help those who live and make their living under difficult conditions in the tropics and subtropics. What should a development worker do to assist a community? There are no simple answers, but there are many possibilities—plants,...
  7. 1987-01-01 Soybean has great potential, even for small farmers with limited resources, to fit into the rice-based cropping systems that dominate so much of the agricultural area in the tropics. 213 pages, illustrations
  8. Agriculture in Africa Rural Communities-Crops and Soils is a basic introduction to principples of crop physiology and practices of crop husbandry. The book recognises the realities of traditional subsistence farming but introduces improved methods. As well as details of plant requirements, and...
  9. This textbook is designed principally for university and college students reading for degrees and diplomas in Botany and Agriculture but will also be useful in studies of ethnobotany, food science, archaeology and nutrition, or indeed to anyone with a concern for our natural resources. The text...
  10. This book attempts to summarize the complex field of manuring of the different crops. Divided into two parts, the first part of this book deals with the principles of plant nutrition and manuring in general, the second is devoted to the use of manures for the individual crops.