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  1. Session:Simon Ewing will share on empowering women farmers with agricultural technology hubs. Speaker:Simon Ewing is a missionary serving with Emmanuel International UK in Mwanza, Tanzania. A mechanical engineer by training, Simon is currently running an innovation trial funded by Fund for...
  2. 1994-03-19 Farmers control communication Sharing information Consumers support organic farmers in Japan Communicating via radio Informal innovation comes first - Mali Seeds for life How to write for farmers - Nicaragua Communicating via black and white
  3. 1999-09-19 Participatory Technology Development The Phillippines Ghana Peru India Integrated Soil Management
  4. 1997-04-19 Forging dynamic partnerships RAAK a new participatory methodology Shifting farmers to the centre in R&D relationships, Ghana Learning about partnerships from a four century old irrigation system in Nepal Stakehold identification in natural resource management Dialogue instead of debate -...
  5. 1999-12-19 Seeds for agrobiodiversity Collaboration Biodiversity i agriculture Genes Seed shortages threaten organic farming Bean Seed systems Genetic variability in rice Seed selection Genetic resources conservation Seed fairs Andean tubers
  6. 2007-03-20 Collective action for biodiversity and livelihoods Keeping people on the land The Lagos State Fish Farmers' Association Development dilemmas and farmers' organisations Organic Farming FFS networks in East Africa The Malabing Valley Multipurpose Co-operative Farmer organisation and market access...
  7. 2005-12-20 Tools for influencing policy Promoting organic agriculture in Uganda Small-scale agriculture and food security policies Arvari Sansad - the famers' parliament RAAA in Peru Improved fallows and local institutions Policy development in the organic movement Changing animal health policies Working...
  8. 2007-12-20 Pest management Ecological pest management Traditional ecological management of late blight in potato The theory of trophobiosis in pest and disease control Plant clinics for healthy crops Rats - an ecologically-based approach for managing a global problem Changing the strategies of Farmer Field...
  9. 2008-03-20 Fair fruit trade Exporting mangoes from Burkina Faso Bolivian producers lobby for change Improved shea butter trading through certification Agroecological cotton and fair trade make the difference Filipino handicrafts Organic and fair trade products attract new customers Corporate challenges to...
  10. 2011-06-20 Policy support for endogenous development Seed diversity celebration in Peru Ghanaian community protects sacred groves from mining Holistic assessment program in Bolivia Recognion and support for traditional anti-malarial programmes Organic farming - India