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  1. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Seeds - Oil, Vegetable A small upright plant. It is an annual plant. It is erect and much branched. It grows 1-2 m tall. The stem is stout and 4 sided. Itis furrowed along its length. It is densely covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are fine and downy....
  2. 1994-10-19 ECHO was contacted with a vivid description of problems of leaf-cutter ants in Guyana. The farmers even tried building water filled moats around plants but the ants built leaf bridges and crossed right over. Jack bean and Sesame may help control leaf-cutter ants.
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Sesame is easy to grow. But poor harvesting, threshing and storage can decrease its quality. When sesame is too ripe, the seed capsules split open and release their seeds. So you lose lots of seeds and lots of money. Stones, sand, and other dirt can easily mix...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video The industry requires sesame seeds that are all of the same colour, size, and oil and starch contents. For this, you need varietal purity, meaning that all of the sesame has to be of the same variety. Mixed sesame seeds are difficult to sell and buyers pay less...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Row planting is very advantageous. When you sow sesame seeds in a row, you can thin the plants very well. When you thin the plants, the branches will multiply. You can count up to 20 pods on each branch, which is much more than broadcast sowing. When the plants...
  6. The seeding rate is the weight of the seed planted per unit area of land for any crop. Typical seeding rates range from a few pounds per acre to over 100 lbs/acre. The crop yield is the weight of the produce from a harvested crop. In many cases, the produce is itself a seed that can be replanted....