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  1. 1991-01-01 474 pp. : tables
  2. 2008-06-20 Optimising nutrient cycles with trees in pasture fields Talking soil science with farmers Soil quality fand farm profitability Cover crops do it all Green manures Micro-organisms Feeding and watering the soil to increase food production Soil rehabilitation starts with more efficient cookstoves...
  3. This training gives a broad overview and introduction to some basic soil characteristics: phases (solid, liquid, gas), texture, density, structure, reaction (pH), plant-water relationships, organic matter, and nutrients. After some classroom discussion we wentout to into the ECHO Farm wherewe...
  4. ThisGlossary of Soil Science Termswas an ad hoc committee of the Soil Science of America to provide a single glossary of terms for the various disciplines of soil science.
  5. ISRIC – World Soil Information has a mission to serve the international community as custodian of global soil information. We are striving to increase awareness and understanding of soils in major global issues.
  6. The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists. The objectives of theIUSSare to promote all branches of soil science, and to support all soil scientists across the world in the pursuit of their activities. This website provides information forIUSSmembers...
  7. TheInternational Union of Soil Science (IUSS)- at its Seventh Congress, at Madison, Wisconsin, USA, in 1960 - recommended that soil maps of continents and large regions be published. As a follow-upFAO and Unesco decided in 1961 to prepare a Soil Map of the World at 1:5 000 000 scale. The project...
  8. Healthy soils are the foundation of agriculture. In the face of mounting challenges such as a growing global population, climate change, and extreme weather events, soil health is critical to our future. Healthy soil is essential as global demands rise for food, fuel, and fiber. Soils also play a...
  9. As the crucible of life, the source and final resting place of everything that grows, soil inspires reverence not only in the peasant who derives his daily bread from it, but also in the scientist who contemplates its meaning as the place where life and death meet and exchange vital energies.Out...
  10. 1966-01-01 475 pages, illustrated