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  1. 1992-07-19 Networking Lessons from Latin America - Andean Stewards of the land - USA Networking for LEISA development - India Alley farming network for tropical Africa
  2. 1999-01-01 A collection of messages brought at the Washington Forum for all attending to deepen their understanding of worldwide humanitarian needs and issues and to become better informed onthe subject.
  3. 1989-01-01 The Task Force on Eco-Justice necessarily undertook a survey of the various dimensions of the environmental problem. From the first, however, we have sought to view it biblically and theologically. Our study concludes that the mission of the church today necessarily brings Christians into...
  4. The presentation reiterates the underlying concepts, principles and objectives of diagnosis and design used to analyze land use systems, problems and constraints and to identify agroforesty solutions from a systems perspective with an interdisciplinary approach. It focuses on the application of...