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  1. 1989-01-01 This ILE|A workshop may be seen as a follow up of the workshop organized by the Institute for Development Studies, lDS, in Sussex, in June 1987: Farmers and Agricultural Research: Complementary methods. During the IDS workshop it was recommended that a number of regional meetings and workshops in...
  2. 1989-01-01 This kit was meant to help our forestry officers and technicians be effective in their role as extension workers for the upland dwellers. It is full of native know-how and skills that make life in the uplands more meaningful, profittable and ecologically sustainable. It is well prepared and if...
  3. 1996-01-01 2 Copies Most researchers on agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa have become pessimistic about future potential after observing the decline of food output per capita over the past two decades. Although the authors of this study identify factors that have resulted in this stagnation, they also...
  4. Vision for a Bright Africa looks into Africa's history to illumine factors that might account for the continent's continuing to lag behind others in development. It examines present attempts both by Africans and the international community to solve Africa's economic environmental, population and...
  5. 1992-01-12 This book describes over one hundred innovations, new methodologies and original conclusions contributed by people who are from southern areas. 231 pages, illustrations, photos
  6. this book presents a new approach to the search for solutions to the current crisis facing the region. Never before have researchers, scholars, policy makers and entrepreneurs so sharply brought their experiences and ideas to bear on such a controversial and yet relevant issue in African...
  7. Report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Commission on International Relations... This publication was a result of a review of microbial processes with promise for wider use in the developing...
  8. Key Resource 1993-11-01 This edition covers small water supply systems, renewable energy devices such as watermills and improved cookstoves, agricultural tools and implements, intensive gardening, workshop tools and equipment, crop preservation, housing, health care, forestry, aquaculture, nonformal education, small...
  9. 2016-01-01 Today's workforce is more diverse than ever before. But despite new perspectives and talents, the promise of increased innovation rarely materializes. Why are so few businesses seeing results? Studies show that diverse teams are more creative than homogenous ones-but only when they are managed...