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  1. El propósito de este manual es proveer información sobre el cultivo de tilapia con insumos de bajo costo para los productores y productoras de las áreas rurales de Centroamérica. Hemos incluido temas de importancia como la consturcción del estanque y el manejo del cultivo empleando insumos...
  2. This manual is to enable trainees to: Explain the importance of fingerlings production Describe the materials required for hatchery Describe brook-stock Use hormone for inducing brooder-stock Carry out artificial propagation Manage brood-stock Feed and Protect fingerlings in the hatchery
  3. There is a need for a compilation of general information on various aspects of tilapia culture in Trinidad and Tobago. Although tilapia production in Trinadad and Tobago is not significant, there has been renewed interest in the area which offers great potential. It is hoped that this manual will...
  4. 2012-01-20 ECHOAgricultural Conference 2012 Publisher [United States] : ECHO, [2012] Media: DVD Summary: Speakers will share practical solutions to agricultural challenges, personal experiences and strategies for improving the lives of millions who daily face the threat of starvation. The event offers an...
  5. Key Resource 2010-07-01 Fish farming can generate high interest and excitement. It has great potential to produce high quality protein in relatively short time periods and in small areas. Fish farming is one way that resource poor farmers throughout the world can provide protein that is often lacking in the family diet...
  6. Key Resource 1990-01-19 This manual is written for farmers to help them learn how to build ponds and raise fish as a way of producing nutritious food, and building healthy communities. It can also be used by development workers and extension agents as a training tool. 75 pages, illustrated
  7. 1992-01-11 This paper documents the aims, execution and the findings of a survey of fish farmers in Luapula Province, Zambia carried out during June-August 1988. 62 pages, illustrations ALCOM Field Document no. 9
  8. Key Resource 1998-01-01 A guide for small farmers and development workers who are interested in tilapia culture but need basic information. This book sets out in simple terms how to develop a tilapia farm while avoiding the potential pitfalls.
  9. This book is intended to help fish farmers understand the basic principles of modern fish farming.