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  1. Toxic synthetic chemicals such as pesticides and pharmaceutical residues are a major threat to drinking water safety worldwide. Unfortunately, major international water development initiatives focus exclusively on microbial pathogens (the most immediate threat to health) while neglecting...
  2. 2016-01-25 When trying to find affordable planting containers in the developing world, organizations and workers all over have promoted the use of a readily-available waste resource: tires. Over the years, many have asked whether or not tires contain harmful chemicals that could potentially be taken up by...
  3. Abstract, Toxins, 2017 Fusarium fungi are common plant pathogens causing several plant diseases. The presence of these molds in plants exposes crops to toxic secondary metabolites called Fusarium mycotoxins. The most studied Fusarium mycotoxins include fumonisins, zearalenone, and trichothecenes....
  4. This journal covers toxinology and all kinds of toxins (biotoxins) from animals, microbes and plants. Some types of toxins covered are: aflatoxins exotoxins endotoxins neurotoxins necrotoxins hemotoxins mycotoxins phototoxins any other toxin from animal, plant or microbial origin