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  1. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Pods, Vegetable A climbing bean with long pods. The vines can be 3 m long. They normally twine around sticks. Dwarf kinds also occur.Leaves have 3 leaflets. The leaflets are oval and side leaflets are at an angle. Leaflets can be 2-16 cm long by 1-12 cm wide.The...
  2. 2009-07-20 Grain legumes can be a tremendously important tool in combating malnutrition. The term “grain legume” or “pulse crop” is used for leguminous crops (e.g. cowpea, beans, peanut), the seeds of which are harvested dry and then cooked in various ways or made into flour. Being legumes, they provide a...
  3. 2009-07-20 Many of you have graciously taken the time to fill out the seed harvest report form that accompanies each mailing of seeds from our seed bank. In reading reports from people in our network, we want to learn whether the seeds we are sending out have improved the lives of poor small-holder farmers....
  4. 2008-07-20 Brief descriptions of annual underutilized crops for which ECHO provides seeds.
  5. Cowpea bruchids (Callosobruchus maculatus) can cause damage to cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds in storage, resulting in post-harvest losses. In the animated video we describe a solarization technique for killing cowpea bruchids before the seeds are stored. Scientific Animations Without Borders...
  6. Authors: T.N. Motis, J.M. Longfellow, A.D. Jani, B.J. Lingbeek, C.J. D'Aiuto, J.C.J. Bergen Keywords: Moringa oleifera, intercropping, legumes,Vigna unguiculata,Canivalia ensiformis,Cajanus cajan,Lablab purpureus, alley cropping DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.11 Abstract: In Limpopo Province...