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  1. 2011-01-01 As water quality becomes a leading concern for people and ecosystems worldwide, it must be properly assessed in order to protect water resources for current and future generations.Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analysessupplies practical information for planning, conducting, or evaluating...
  2. 2017-01-01 Includes cover crop facts on how to keep nutrients out of waterways.
  3. 2002-01-01 This publication describes the history of Florida along with the managment of water resources in Florida.
  4. This book takes a step back looking at the 'way' we think rather than 'what' we think about water. The first part of the book is really examining the process of innovative thinking needed to escape from the traditional water conflickts. The second part redefines the water crisis showing how...
  5. The first part of the guide looks at what land leveling is and why it is needed. The second part deals with how land leveling is actually done and the practices needed with a precision land leveling program. The third section investigates resources needed to develop and implement the program....
  6. in this report, the concept and procedures of hydronomic (hydro water +nomus management) zones are introduced. A set of six hydronomic zones are introduced. Hydronomic zones hold potential as a tool to help us better understand complex water interactions within river basins, to isolate similar...
  7. 2003-01-01 Many local initiatives have been started, and these are beginning to change the way we think about and use water. However, these ideas need to spread. This is the objective of this book, which brings together information on local action in water management, including activities undertaken by...