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  1. Session:Crop-raiding by elephants can devastate small farmers, leading to food insecurity, lost opportunity costs, and even death, as well as negative attitudes towards elephants, but finding effective and inexpensive solutions, has proven extremely difficult. Beehive fences surrounding crops...
  2. 1997-01-01 In this publication you will learn how to identify deer damage, make your own homemade deterrents, select commercial repellents that work, design a landscape that literally repels deer, and join your neighbors in developing community deer management strategies.
  3. 1983-01-01 Dealing with Deer, Rabbits, Raccons, Moles, Crows, Sparrows, and Other of Nature's Creatures in ways that keep them around but away from your fruits and vegetables. Recommends techniques for attracting helpful animals to a garden and controlling garden pests without upsetting the ecological...