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  1. Using worms to create Living Soil results in : Nutrition: Delicious, nutrient-rich plants. Vitality: Plants growing in living soils are inherently stronger and need less protection, allowing low input food production methods to be used. Drought tolerance: Nutrients are in colloidal states rather...
  2. 2017-01-20 Using worms to create Living Soil results in : Nutrition: Delicious, nutrient-rich plants. Vitality: Plants growing in living soils are inherently stronger and need less protection, allowing low input food production methods to be used. Drought tolerance: Nutrients are in colloidal states rather...
  3. Benefits 1. Efficient recycling of clean vegetable residues. 2. Feed and multiply earthworms to populate a garden area of up to 1000 sq. ft. (32’ X 32’). 3. Protect young worms from animal predators. 4. Worm numbers per bed increased 25 fold, over 6 months at ECHO in N. Fort Meyers, FL. 5....