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  1. Edible Portion: Tuber, Roots, Corm, Leaves, Leaf Stalks, Vegetable A taro family plant but with a very divided leaf. It grows to 0.75-1 m high. It is a herbaceous plant with rough and mottled leafstalks. It has a straight stem and the leaf is divided into leaflets. The leaves can be 1 m in width....
  2. Edible Portion:Tubers, Root, Vegetable, Bulbils A yam with a long angular vine. It can climb 15 m high. The stems are square and twine to the right around support sticks. Thestem does not have spines. It is often coloured green or purple. The leaves are heart shaped and borne in pairs along the...
  3. Edible Portion: Tuber, Root, Bulbils, Vegetable A yam with a long smooth stemmed vine, round in cross section. It winds to the left. It does not have spines. The vine can climbup into trees and grow to long lengths. The leaves are large and round. They are pointed at the tip and round at the...
  4. Edible Portion: Tubers, Vegetable, Root A yam vine. The stem is square in cross section and does not have spines. The leaves are 25 cm long. They are opposite. Theleaf is divided like fingers on a hand into 3 or more segments. The male flower is on a long stalk and the female flower stalk is...
  5. This book covers the agriculture and nutritive value of yams, and also their medicinal, economic and anthropological importance. It is intended to bring together the findings of recent research, hitherto almost inaccessible to the student, and to correct certain misconceptions which are presently...