1. 01-10-2011 Testing Seed Viability Using Simple Germination Tests
  2. 01-04-2012 Vegetable Production Throughout the Rainy Season Three Cheers for Job's Tears: Asia's Other Indigenous Grain Electronic Resource Library
  3. 01-01-2012 Seed fairs: Fostering local seed exchange to support regional biodiversity Strengthening Informal Indigenous Seed Systems in Southeast Asia
  4. 01-07-2012 Vacuum Sealing vs. Refrigeration: Which is the most effective way to store seeds? The Crop Genetic Pump: A Possible Task for NGOs
  5. 01-10-2012 Demystifying Soybean Production and Marketing: Our Experience in Laos Soil Quality Assessment: Why and How
  6. 20-03-2013 A Toolkit of Resilient Agricultural Responses to Climatic Challenges in Tropical Asia How to Facilitate Seed Exchanges During Country Meetings or as a Single-Day Event
  7. 15-05-2013 Sustainable Decentralized Water Treatment for Rural and Developing Communities Using Locally Generated Biochar Adsorbents An Introduction to Bokashi Fertilizers and Soil Amendments
  8. 15-09-2013 The Participatory Approach: Illustrations from Experience New Seed Bank Additions
  9. 15-12-2013 Running a Diesel Engine on Biogas Research Note: Creating an Optimum Potting Mixture for Resource-Constrained Growers
  10. 15-03-2014 Farm-Generated Feed: Fish Feed Production Producing the Biocontrol Fungi Trichoderma and Beauveria