1. Lung cancer is a disease that can be beaten with early detection and proper treatment. This animation will highlight ways to prevent lung cancer, and how to catch the disease early. If you think you might be at risk for lung cancer, there is screening that exists, and it is quick, easy, and...
  2. Бүдүүн, шулуун гэдэсний хавдар гэдэг нь өөрчлөлтөд орж хэвийн бус болсон эсүүд хяналтгүйгээр хуваагдалд орж үржиж, хавдрын аюултай эсийн бөөгнөрөл үүсгэх юм. Бүдүүн, шулуун гэдэсний хавдрын эхэн үед бараг зовиур илэрдэггүй. Харин эмнэлэгт тогтмол хандаж үзлэгт хамрагдсанаар хавдрыг эрт үед нь...
  3. It is very important to remove the remains of food by daily brushing so as to reduce the number of microorganisms in the mouth. This animation, donated to SAWBO, will explain how to brush your teeth effectively to avoid cavity and gum disease. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a...
  4. This animation describes ways to effectively manage active TB. Effective TB management begins with preventing its spread. TB management also involves detecting, diagnosing, and treating the condition. If TB is detected, you will want to be placed on a TB antibiotic treatment plan. This involves...
  5. Hip Dysplasia is a problem from birth where the hip joint has not formed properly. The hip is either dislocated (where the ball of the hip is not sitting in the socket) or it can easily slide out of the socket. This animation explains how you can spot hip dysplasia in infants and children, and...
  6. Энэхүү хөдөлгөөнт дүрс нь нянгийн гаралтай халдварт өвчний тархах замуудын талаарх ерөнхий ойлголт, халдварт өвчний тархалтыг багасгах үндсэн арга замуудын талаар харуулна.
  7. An agricultural value chain is a system of people that work in various stages in crop production. The value chain contains every person that works to get the crops from the farm where they were planted, to the consumer that will end up eating them. This animation explains the importance of each...
  8. This animation explains a method to test if your grain has a low enough moisture level for you to store it. This technique utilizes salt to help determine the moisture level in your grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension...
  9. Compost can be used to improve the quality of your soil. You can use plant materials, animal manure and kitchen scraps to create compost. Compost will add nutrients and organic matter to your soil. This animation explains the process of creating and storing compost. Scientific Animations Without...
  10. Common beans are an important source of food and income for farmers and families. By improving your bean planting and cultivation practices you can have more beans to eat and sell. This animation shows you steps you can take to improve your bean production. This is a variant version focusing on...