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Floating agriculture is a way of utilising areas which are waterlogged for long periods of time in the production of food. The technology is mainly aimed at adapting to more regular or prolonged flooding.

The approach employs beds of rotting vegetation, which act as compost for crop growth. These beds are able to float on the surface of the water, thus creating areas of land suitable for agriculture within waterlogged regions. Scientifically, floating agriculture may be referred to as hydroponics. In Bangladesh, it has regional names such as baira, geto, dhap and bed.

The description of this technology originates from Linham and Nicholls (2010).

--- CTCN

  1. In the face of climate change,Bangladesh’sfloating gardens offer an exciting solutionto the challenges faced by millions of farmers. Floating gardens are nothing new, but they have lots to offer when looking for transformative and accessible approaches to agriculture. These brilliant,...
  2. Abstract, US Dept of Energy, 2010 This guidebook is intended to be a practical tool for use by coastal zone managers in developing countries. The aim is to provide best practice guidance and assist these managers in assessing their evolving adaptation needs and help them to prepare action plans...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video As our land remains under water during the rainy season, our ancestors were already thinking of ways to produce crops in order to survive. They invented the floating garden by using crop residues. We do not need any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, because the...
  4. Abstract,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 2019 An experiment was conducted to find out the suitable crop combination for increasing total productivity and net return through legume+vegetables intercropping system in a floating garden. Seven treatments viz., mungbean...
  5. Abstract,Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment (JAFE), 2020 Around a quarter part of Bangladesh is flooded for several months a year, affecting agriculture in particular -this has far-reaching consequences for the lives of the rural population. Especially during the monsoon season, many...
  6. Science and technology agriculture is becoming more and more interesting. China has a large water area. If the cultivation of floating rice can be promoted, it will be a brand-new agricultural model, which will bring great value to the increase in food income.
  7. Abstract,Department of SoilScience,University of Sriwijaya, 2018 Growingricehadbeendonepreviouslybyapplyingcrumblecompostonthefloatingraftbutpart of compost was lost through runoff, so briquettes compost needs to be buried in soil. The aims of this researchweretofindouttheeffectsofbriquettes...
  8. Floating agriculture is a way of utilising areas which are waterlogged for long periods of time in the production of food. The technology is mainly aimed at adapting to more regular or prolonged flooding. The approach employs beds of rotting vegetation, which act as compost for crop growth. These...
  9. The coastal district of Puri in Odisha is infested with water hyacinth. In 1982, 10 million people and 3 million hectares of agricultural land was affected by floods causing the water hyacinth to increase to such an extent that it has affected the lives and livelihood of communities for almost...
  10. Abstract, Land Degradation & Development, 2019 This study takes stock of the confusion that exists around the environmental state of Lake Inle, a flagship destination for tourism in Myanmar. Reports on the dynamics of its iconic floating gardens and on the evolution of the Lake's dimensions...
  11. Abstract, HortTechnology, 2019 Urban horticulture is not as new as many people think. Throughout history, different techniques have been used to ensure sustainable urban agricultural production. A good example of this is the chinampa system, which was developed during the time of the Aztecs in...
  12. Abstract, National Library of Medicine, 1988 Considerable excitement accompanied Mexico's plan in the mid-1970s to build "Chinampas," in the swampy region of Veracruz and Tabasco, that is, agriculture involving the construction of raised farming beds in shallow lakes or marshes. The plan was...
  13. Abstract,Aquaculture Reports, 2017 Freshwater shortages are increasingly limiting both irrigated and rainfed agriculture. To expand possibilities for controlled plant production without using land nor freshwater, we cultivated potted halophytes floating at sea that were provided with rain- and...

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