Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible Portion: Tubers, Roots, Seeds A bean plant. It is a twining herb. It keeps growing from year to year from root tubers. The leaves are compound with 3 leaflets.The leaf stalks are 2-3 cm long. The leaflets are 4 sided and 2-6 cm long by 2-5 cm wide. The flowering shoots are in the axilsof...
  2. Edible portions : Tubers, Root, Flowers, Leaves - flavour, Vegetable POW update to Goeppertia from Calathea A herb. It keeps growing from year to year. It grows 1.5 m high. It has an underground rhizome or stem. There are several large leaves. The leaf is oblong and 20-60 cm long by 5-20 cm wide....