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  1. Almost any kind of infection occurs from work if the conditions are favorable. 23 pages, illustrated
  2. 1983-01-01 1,159 pages, illustrated, photos
  3. One of the outstanding problems of the biologist, whether he be beginning student or specialists, is that of understanding technical terms. The best way to understand and remember technical terms is to understand first their component parts, or roots. This dictionary has been designed primarily...
  4. Biology and Society is designed to do two things: One is to provide a broad, basic background in biology and the second is to put human societies and their activities into the biological context. People are very much a part of nature and not only influence but are influenced by, the living and...
  5. This textbook is a flexible source from which teachers may select techniques for creating a learning environment that is appropriate for their students and the specific teaching situation.
  6. Keeton emphasizes the experimental evidence supporting current theories. He does not avoid controversy, but discusses differing hypotheses in order to give the student an insight into the way scientific though develops. Interpreting each topic in the light of modern evolutionary theory, he...
  7. Biology represents the most carefully developed introductory biology text for majors ever published. Quite simply, more steps were taken in the prepublication stage of this text than with any other competing book, thus ensuring both the highest quality ofcontent and the greatest utility to...
  8. This pioneering book combines research-focused storytelling with the Socratic method to get students to think like practicing scientists. Each page of the book is designed in the spirit of active learning, asking students to apply critical thinking skills as they learn key concepts. Accounts of...
  9. The science of biology and its complex parts are addressed in this book. From methods, chemical perspectives, nature of living things, genetics, small plants and little animals, viruses, bacteria and other forms, Algae, one-celled organisms,biology of man, animal life and plant life.