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  1. 1990-01-01 This booklet is intended to serve as a manual for small-scale poultry raising in the tropics.This manual can be of use to both beginning and experienced poultry raisers when confronted with problems which arise. The manual focuses on keeping laying chickens.
  2. 2011-10-07 The most comprehensive and definitive guide to date on raising all-natural poultry, for homesteaders or farmers seeking to close their loo.The Small-Scale Poultry Flockoffers a practical and integrative model for working with chickens and other domestic fowls, based entirely on natural systems.
  3. 2011-02-14 This is the book that tells you how to integrate small flocks of poultry in with family food production. There is a "back to the land" movement happening across the world, and it's happening in backyards and on small parcels of land. Chicken tractor systems have become so popular that the term...
  4. 2015-03-02 Robert Okumu-Obonya, ECHO Technical Advisor for the TOGETHER Program, an initiative of ECHO, Church World Service, and MAP International, with funding support from St. Mary’s United Methodist Church Foundation, reports on progress being made through a poultry vaccination program being implemented...
  5. This is an article on the webpage ofCommunity of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock Development (CoP-PPLD), an on-line sharing network for practitioners, managers, researchers and other actors involved in pro-poor livestock development.The article presents the results of a successful ACIAR program...
  6. 2015-03-03 Professor Yusuf presents on his ongoing research about native chickens and their nutritional needs.
  7. 2016-07-15 Farm-Generated Feed: Chicken Feed Production Seed Saving in the Tropics: Lessons Learned from the Network Book Review: The Seed Garden
  8. 2016-04-13 What is Newcastle disease? Newcastle disease (ND) is a highly contagious, severe viral disease found worldwide that affects birds including domestic poultry. ND is endemic in all parts of Nigeria and is more common during the harmattan season (October –March) with the virus remaining dormant most...
  9. 1995-10-19 “Probably more people are directly involved in chicken production throughout the world than in any other single agricultural enterprise.” Maintaining and improving the productivity of backyard chicken flocks is important for the wellbeing of rural families. Backyard producers value chickens for...
  10. 1994-07-19 A technique for removing salts from planting containers.