Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible Portion: Fruit, Cabbage, Sap, Palm Heart, Flowers, Nuts-Oil A tall unbranched evergreen palm. It grows to 30 m high. The trunk can be 30-40 cm across. The trunk is covered with fibresand has the bases of old leaves along it. It produces suckers on the trunk and at the base. The fronds are...
  2. Edible Portion: Cabbage, Fruit, Sap, Seeds - Coffee, Palm Heart, Vegetable, Bud A palm. It can be a stemless suckering bush or have a ring of suckers around the base. It often grows 3-6 m high but can be 10-25 m high. It can also be a many stemmed clump. The old stems hang over then curve upwards...
  3. Edible Portion: Fruit A small palm. The trunk is slender and it grows about 2 m tall. It has a single trunk but forms clusters in the wild. The trunk is 10cm across. It is covered with old leaf bases. The fronds are dark green and arch over. They form a feathery crown. The lowerones hang down....
  4. Edible Portion: Fruit, Sap, Cabbage, Inner Stem, Shoots, Palm Heart A tall palm. It is unbranched up to 15 m high. The trunk is rough with persistent leaf bases. The trunk is 60-75 cm across. Thecrown is thick and half rounded to rounded. The leaves are grey-green or covered with a waxy layer....