Nigerian Pidgin (pcm) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Herb, Spice, Leaves - tea An evergreen shrub. It grows to 3-5 m high and spreads to 3 m across. The stem is slender and the branches are flexible. Theleaves are glossy green, oblong, and tapering towards the tip. They occur opposite each other and have easy to see...
  2. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Spice, Seeds - Oil, Vegetable A small upright plant. It is an annual plant. It is erect and much branched. It grows 1-2 m tall. The stem is stout and 4 sided. Itis furrowed along its length. It is densely covered with glandular hairs. The leaves are fine and downy....
  3. Edible Portion: Root, Seeds, Pods, Leaves, Vegetable A herb. It is an upright hairy bean plant which can be 1 m tall. It has many branches. The leaves have 3 leaflets and are darkgreen. The leaves are on long leaf stalks. There are oval stipules at the base of the leaf. Flowers are pale yellow...
  4. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves A small evergreen shrub. It has many stems. It grows to about 1.6 m tall but can grow to 2.5 m tall in good growing conditions.It has a long tap root. The leaves are 3-5 cm long. They are divided into 4 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are oval and leathery.They are...
  5. Edible Portion: Tubers, Roots, Seeds A bean plant. It is a twining herb. It keeps growing from year to year from root tubers. The leaves are compound with 3 leaflets.The leaf stalks are 2-3 cm long. The leaflets are 4 sided and 2-6 cm long by 2-5 cm wide. The flowering shoots are in the axilsof...
  6. Edible Portion: Shoots, Seeds, Cereal, Vegetable A millet grass. It is an annual grass. It is robust and forms many tillers or young shoots from the base. It grows 40-120 cm tall.The stems are somewhat flattened. The leaves are narrow. The flower heads are made up of 2-7 finger like spikes. These...
  7. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cereal A millet grass. It is an annual tufted grass. It grows 60-120 cm tall. It has a slender stem and long narrow smooth leaves. Theflowers occur in loose open panicles. These are 15-35 cm long. The branches are very thin and droop over. The seeds are verysmall. They are...
  8. Edible Portion: Seeds, Leaves, Oil A shrub. It grows 2 m high. The leaf stalk is 2.5-8 cm long. The leaf blade is divided into 5 lobes like the fingers on a hand. Theleaves are 5-10 cm across. The lobes are broad and oval and half the length of the leaf. The flowers occur singly in the axils of...
  9. Edible Portion: Seeds, Cereal, Husks - Oil An annual grass with hollow stems. The stems can be 30 cm to 150 cm tall. (Floating varieties can be 5 m long.) The nodesare solid and swollen. The stem is protected by a skin layer which can often be high in silicon. A clump of shoots are producedas...
  10. Edible Portion: Leaf Bud, Seeds, Gel, Flowers A perennial succulent plant 80 cm high. It spreads to 1 m wide. It develops suckers. The leaves form a rosette or ring justabove the ground. They are fleshy and long. They are curved outwards or rounded underneath. They taper to a blunt point.They are...