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  1. The purpose of this guide is to provide volunteers with a method to learn about the biophysical, economic and social aspects of their host-communities by exploring how people relate to the local environment. As volunteers learn about their host-communities' relationship with the natural resource...
  2. 2000-03-20 Communities combatting desertifications The UN Convention to combat desertification Cattle and cultivators management Water harvesting Harvesting the monsoon Orchard development National strategies for integrated soil fertility management in Africa Strategic Environmental Analysis
  3. Key Resource 1994-07-01 Christians play a crucial role in maintaining the environment as stewards of God's creation. Calvin B. DeWitt, a nationally recognized authority on environmental issues, describes in detail the wonders of God's creation, how fallen humanity and modern society have abused it, and how Christians...
  4. 2001-01-01 The environmental impact of eucalypt plantations in particular on soil water and nutrients, understorey vegetation and biodiversity is a controversial topic. Commercial plantations, mainly eucalypts, have been established on poor sandy soils of savannas in the Congo since 1978. This report on the...
  5. The theme and objective of the second edition of Environmental Science: The Way the World Works is to develop an understanding of the principles underlying the support and maintenance of all ecosystems; show how our management of the human ecosystem, in many cases, is counter to these principles,...
  6. This book is a readable guide and source of information that will help you to explore the issues in more depth. It will also help you to connect them to a framework of ideas and values that will equip you to become part of the solution to many of the environmental problems confronting us.
  7. Presents an extensive, moderately technical introduction to a wide range of the latest environmental topics, especially the major categories of environmental pollution.The book explores such problems as depletion of the ozone layer, greenhouse effect, groundwater flow and contamination, and...